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The following release notes include features, enhancements, and bug fixes for the end user, admin portal and hyperstream service.  (The component versions are Hyperstream-2024.3 and Appstore-2024.1.5).

Student / Faculty / Staff Experience



Menu bar hide/unhide

Modified the hide/unhide behavior of the newly redesigned menu bar to ensure the “unhide” tab doesn’t block access to application menus.  Here’s how it works:

  • Clicking the up arrow hides the menu bar
  • Cursoring to the top edge of the screen reveals the unhide tab, and clicking the unhide tab reveals the menu bar



note: In full screen mode, the menu bar is hidden by default.  In browser mode, the menu bar is visible by default (unless the user clicks the up arrow to hide it).

Mouse Lock

Added a keyboard shortcut to enable (and disable) a mouse/pointer lock.  Locking the mouse prevents the mouse cursor from leaving the desktop in 3D games and applications like Unreal Engine.

Users can type “Shift + Alt + L” to enable or disable the lock.  Instructions are visible from the Settings > Mouse Lock menu.


Virtual Classroom 2.0

Completed a redesign of the Virtual Classroom.  Benefits include:

  • New modern UI
  • Optimized data transfer for faster performance (improved student-professor communication, ensures no impact on student desktop performance)
  • Images updated every 1 second (previously every 7 seconds)
  • Tested in both cloud and on-prem environments


Expanded localization of Apporto’s virtual desktop menus and dialogs to include French and German.  Supported languages include:

  • U.S. English (previously supported)
  • Latin American Spanish (previously supported)
  • French
  • German

Note: We have not yet localized the login page and home page (“App Store”), but this is on our roadmap.

Launch to full screen (config)

Several customers have requested the ability to launch to full screen mode.  Now that Chrome supports this (in version 127 or higher), this is feasible for the first time.  However, this requires a Chrome configuration.  Here’s how you (e.g. if you manage a fleet of machines) or your students can accomplish this:

Instructions for configuring Chrome on Windows, macOS, and Linux:

Enhancements and bug fixes

Enhancements and bug fixes:

  • Fixed a keyboard connection issue when launching a Windows virtual desktop from a MacOS device
  • Fixed messenger voice call feature
  • Fixed audio in Presenter Mode when microphone is enabled
  • Ensured multi-monitor works for the CyberLab
  • Ensured Persistent VM backup success does not show as failed


Admin Experience



Enhancements and bug fixes Enhancements and bug fixes:

  • Added a separate feature setting for Presenter Mode (previously this feature was controlled with the Virtual Classroom feature setting)
  • Fixed an image creation issue to ensure fail emails are not mistakenly sent
  • Ensured Learning Management System (LMS) integrations work with “deep linked” Desktop Variants so the relevant application icons appear on desktops
  • Modified Help Menu config logic so that deleting links removes them from the help menu instead of defaulting to Apporto’s Help Center, Video Tutorials, and Support Request form