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Managing calendar events

From the calendar view, you can create and edit calendar events. For more information on how to access the calendar, see the article on viewing your calendar.

Use the information in this guide to learn how to:

Schedule a new event

The Apporto calendar allows you to schedule the following types of events:

  • Server starts
  • Image deployments
  • License reservations

The table below shows the values that make up the calendar event.

Field Datatype Required? Notes
Event name String Yes
Event type Lookup values Yes
  • Deploy image
  • Reserve licenses
  • Start servers
Server group type Lookup values Conditional These values are dependent on selected event type:

  • Deploy image
    • Server pools
  • Start servers
    • Desktops
Group Lookup values Conditional These values are dependent on the license reservation event type:

    • List of all user groups
Event values Lookup values Conditional These values are dependent on selected server group type:

  • Desktops
    • List of available desktops
  • Server pools
    • List of available server pools
Desktop/app Lookup values Conditional These values are dependent on the license reservation event type:

  • List of all desktops/apps
Number of licenses Integer Conditional This value is required for license reservation events
Frequency Lookup values Yes
  • Does not repeat
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Every weekday (Monday to Friday)
Event/start date Date Yes
End date Date Conditional This field is required for all frequency selections except “does not repeat.”
Start time Lookup values Yes Time selection from 12:00 AM to 11:45 PM in 15-minute increments

The system defaults to 12:00 AM.

End time Lookup values Yes Time selection from 12:15 AM to 12:00 AM (of the next day) in 15-minute increments

The system defaults to 12:15 AM.

To add a new event, follow the steps below:

  1. From the Calendar page, click on a date cell on the calendar. You may select today’s date or a future date.
  2. The system will display the Add new event pop-up.

  3. Enter the new event’s values (see the table above).
    1. After selecting an event type, the system will display the “server group type” and “event values” fields
      calendar event types
    2. Selecting a frequency will update the date and time selection options.

    3. Select the event date. If the event will repeat, a second date picker will appear to create a start and end date range.

    4. Select the event start and end times. Both fields will use the same type of time picker shown below.

  4. After selecting all necessary values, click add event to save the new calendar event.

  5. The new event will now display in the cell of the start date. If the item repeats, it will also show on the recurrence dates. Server starts appear in blue, image deployments appear in orange, and license reservations appear in green.
    calendar month view with server deployment, license reservation, and server start events
  6. In month view, if there are multiple events scheduled on the same day, the count of events will show in the date cell. Click on the number of events to see a pop-up of all that day’s events.
    count of a day's events
    list of all events for a single date

Update event details

Events may be updated up until their start date/time. To update an event, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on an event card.
    calendar cell with event
  2. The event’s details appear on a pop-up window.
    calendar event pop-up
  3. Update options:
    1. Edit
      1. Click on the icon to edit the event. The Edit event pop-up will display.

      2. Edit any necessary values, and click update event to save the changes.
      3. The event card on the calendar will reflect your changes.
    2. Delete
      1. Click on the icon to delete the event.
      2. If it’s a recurring event, the system will prompt you to select a deletion option. Select an option and click delete to remove the event(s).

        1. This event – This option will delete a single event in the series.
        2. All events – This option will delete all events in the series.
      3. The system will display a message to confirm the change.