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Managing desktops

Desktops are shared applications, which are the primary focus of the Apporto NextGen system. For information on how desktops are located and added to the system, see the articles on viewing and creating desktops.

Use the information in this guide to learn how to:

Edit a desktop application

Edit a desktop application

To edit a desktop, follow the steps below.

  1. Log in to the system using your credentials.
  2. Click desktops or the icon in the navigation panel.
  3. The list of desktops will display. You may filter the list or adjust the displayed columns to locate records. See the article on working with lists for more information.
  4. From the list, click edit for the desktop record you would like to update. The system will direct you to the Edit desktop page. Update any necessary values and then click save changes to submit the form.

Edit the desktop profile

The first section in the Edit desktop screen covers basic application information.

The table below shows the values that make up the user profile.

Field Datatype Required? Notes
Desktop name String Yes
Desktop description String Yes
Desktop pool Lookup value Yes Select from the list of desktop pools available to you.
Desktop type Lookup value Yes
  • Windows desktop
  • Linux desktop
  • MacOS desktop
  • Downloadable
Icon Image No The desktop icon appears throughout the system where the desktop is referenced.

Accepted formats include JPEG and PNG. A ratio of 1:1 is recommended (e.g., 100 x 100 pixels). Otherwise, your image will automatically be cropped or resized.

Published (status) Boolean No By default, the desktop will be published.

Update the desktop’s linked groups

At the bottom of the Edit desktop page, you may link the desktop to additional user groups or unlink desktops that are currently in the list.

To adjust the list of linked groups, follow the steps below.

  1. Add one or more new groups:
    1. From the “groups” tab, click add group.
    2. The system will display the Search for groups pop-up. To make it easier to locate the appropriate group, you may adjust the visible columns or filter or search through the list.

    3. From the list, check one or more checkboxes to select groups for the desktop.
    4. Click add groups. The system will close the pop-up.
    5. The newly linked group(s) will now be visible in the list.
  2. Remove a linked group:
    1. Click unlink on the row of any group you wish to remove from the list.

    2. The group will no longer be visible in the list. If a group was removed by mistake, you may go back to the add group function to relink the group to the desktop.

Configure desktop options

A number of settings can be configured specifically for the desktop application. In the “options” tab, the current desktop settings will display. You may update your view of the list by adjusting columns or filtering contents.

Configure desktop options

To edit a feature setting, follow the steps below.

  1. From the list, click edit on a desktop feature to change its setting. This will trigger the edit pop-up.

  2. Select a new value from the setting dropdown and click set value to save.
  3. The updated setting will display in the settings list.

View linked server pools

Apporto will automatically retrieve any server pool associated with the selected desktop pool and display its information in the “server pools” tab.

Delete a desktop

From the Desktops screen, unnecessary or outdated desktop applications can be removed from the system.

Edit a desktop application

To delete a desktop, follow the steps below.

  1. Click delete to trigger the Delete desktop pop-up.

  2. Click confirm to complete deletion. The desktop will no longer be present in the list.